Coffee Talk/ Cafecito

Deseas saber más acerca de el PEI (IEP) Plan Educativo Individualizado? tienes preguntas acerca de Educación Especial? entonces únete a Claudia Moná entrenadora de padres de PSN para que participes de esta charla y aprendas charlando y conociendo otros padres en la Comunidad.

Differentiated Instruction on Facebook Live

You are invited to join us on Friday, November 15th, at 1:00 PM EST for an engaging AI-focused presentation on Differentiated Instruction, also known as Differentiated Learning. Participants will explore how artificial intelligence and today’s technology impact teaching and support the development of literacy, language, reading, and writing skills. This session will provide fun, practical AI-driven methods that can be adapted to children of any age and learning preference, equipping educators, parents, and caregivers with innovative tools to support every child’s unique learning journey. We hope you can join us for this exciting and informative event.

Polk ESE Advisory Council Mtg

Meetings are open to the public from 5:30-7:30 @ Karen Seigel, Lake Alfred, FL.

The Polk ESE Advisory is a group of parents, staff, and community agencies working to improve the services for students with disabilities in Polk County.

Polk Lunch & Learn–Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavioral Supports (PBS) is a schoolwide intervention system designed to improve your child’s behavior in all school environments. In this presentation, you will learn the step-by-step process of PBS, beginning with
1.) Establishing a collaborative team and collecting information
2.) Identifying triggers, responses, and the purpose of your child’s behavior
3) Designing & implementing behavior support plans.

For access to the online Lunch & Learn, click on the date on the link below:


Citrus County Transition Fair

This event aims to empower Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students and their families by offering insights into the wealth of resources and supportive services available within the community. Check the link below for the speakers, schedule, and vendors that will be present.

Citrus Lunch & Learn–Turning 3 years old

What happens after the 3rd birthday and your child transitions from Early Steps (Part C of IDEA) to the local school system (Part B of IDEA)? In this presentation, we will go over step by step what to expect when your child, if eligible, transitions out of Early Steps with their Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) and into the school system/Pre-K with their first Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

http://Zoom Webinar ID: 843 9958 6172

Citrus Lunch & Learn–Transition to Kindergarten

Transition to Kindergarten is a dynamic and interactive workshop that helps children with disabilities transition to kindergarten with their families. By addressing the common questions and concerns that accompany this important step in their lives, Transition to Kindergarten will help families understand their rights and responsibilities as active participants in the process.

http://Zoom Webinar ID: 843 9958 6172

Citrus Lunch & Learn–A Guide to An IEP

Developing and implementing an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is the equal responsibility of educators, parents, and other IEP team members. This workshop explains the IEP process and the importance of parental participation. Learn helpful tips for writing effective IEP goals and strategies.

http://Zoom Webinar ID: 843 9958 6172

Citrus Lunch & Learn–Collaborative Communication

In this presentation, you will learn about different forms of communication to help you effectively advocate for your loved one. This includes: What are the different forms of communication? What’s the difference between active and passive listening? How does collaborative communication help me? How do I incorporate this information when meeting with teams to understand and effectively advocate for necessary services for my loved one?

http://Zoom Webinar ID: 843 9958 6172

Lake Lunch & Learn–Beginning the Journey–Turning 3 years old

What happens after the 3rd birthday and your child transitions from Early Steps (Part C of IDEA) to the local school system (Part B of IDEA)? In this presentation, we will go over step by step what to expect when your child, if eligible, transitions out of Early Steps with their Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) and into the school system/Pre-K with their first Individualized Education Plan (IEP).