Citrus County Transition Fair

This event is aimed to empower Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students and their families by offering insights into the wealth of resources and support services available within the community.

Lake-Sumter Transition Fair

Students and parents are invited to attend this event to find out more about Adult Independent Living, Education, Job Training/Opportunities, Finances and    Guardianship, Health Services, Rights and Responsibilities, and Social Security and support services.

Representatives from Vocational Rehabilitation, UCF CARD, Family Network on Disabilities, Lake Technical College, Lake County Schools, Project 10, Career Source of Central Florida, Building Blocks Ministries, New Vision, and several more organizations will be in attendance to answer questions and give information to assist with transitioning. 

Caregiver Stress & Burnout Webinar

Caring for a loved one can be very rewarding, but it also involves many stressors, such as changes in the family dynamic, household disruption, financial pressure, and an added workload. So, is it any wonder that caregivers are some of the people most prone to burnout? Managing the stress levels in your life is just as important as making sure your family member gets to the doctor’s appointment or takes their medication on time. This presentation provides research-based and practical methods for minimizing stress and reducing caregiver burnout.

SSDI/SSI: What You Need to Know

Navigating the Social Security system is challenging without the proper knowledge. This presentation gives you an overview of the SSDI and SSI government benefit programs, including the application process, specific criteria for eligibility, your rights in the process, and how to navigate a denial. Additional information on resources to support the process is included. This presentation is a collaboration between Family Network on Disabilities and Early Steps Space Coast.

Registration required:

Florida Medicaid: What You Need to Know

In this presentation about Florida Medicaid benefits, participants will get an overview of the application process, eligibility for special cases and populations, other medical service providers, how to navigate the denial process, and resources for families in Florida. This presentation is a collaboration between Family Network on Disabilities and Early Steps Space Coast.

Registration required:

Family STAR Talks with the Expert – Understanding Special Needs Trusts

Join Family STAR for a conversation about Special Needs Trusts. Special Needs Trusts safeguard your personal assets and provide for the comforts of life that public benefits don’t cover. A Special Needs Trust is a legal contract under Federal law, in which someone (trustee) agrees to hold assets (money and/or property) for the benefit of a disabled individual. This type of trust provides the disabled individual with resources you can use to pay for special or supplemental needs while preserving your eligibility for government benefits, particularly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid. We will discuss what you need to know and how to approach the process in this presentation.

Feria de Recursos para Familias

Los invitamos a que se una a nosotros para un dia lleno de apoyo y recursos comunitarios–YobIRy_EM/view?usp=drive_link

Resolucion Alternativa de Disputas

A veces, los padres no están de acuerdo con el distrito escolar sobre algo relacionado con su hijo y la educación especial. Cuando no está de acuerdo o siente que la escuela no está cumpliendo con sus obligaciones legales, hay varias formas en que los padres pueden resolver estos desacuerdos. Por lo general, es mejor para todos los involucrados resolver las diferencias al nivel más bajo posible con la menor cantidad de conflicto. Esta presentación tiene información sobre:

1.) Formas informales de resolver las diferencias.

2.) Opciones formales que ofrece el Estado.

3.) Preparar y comunicar sus inquietudes.

Transition to Kindergarten and AI Presentation on Facebook Live

Meet with our AI presenter for a webinar on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 1 PM EST.

“Transition to Kindergarten” is a dynamic and interactive workshop that helps children with disabilities and their families transition to kindergarten. By addressing the common questions and concerns that accompany this important step in their lives, “Transition to Kindergarten” will help families understand their rights and responsibilities as active participants in the process.

“Colors of Autism 5K Fun Run” Family Fun Day

Join POPIN’s Glenesha Milner at “The Colors of Autism 5K Fun Run/Family FUN Day”, a family-friendly fundraiser for Chipola Area Autism Resource Center, Inc., a local 501c3 nonprofit organization that serves Jackson County and the surrounding areas. This day is more importantly a day for family and friends to come together to celebrate and enjoy time with their loved ones and those we serve, raise awareness and acceptance.