Let’s Talk–Exceptional Polk Families Parent Support Group

Lynn with Family Network on Disabilities will join us to share information on alternatives to Dispute Resolution. Meet parents on a similar journey!

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Special Education (ADR)

Be our guest with Parent Training Specialist Ms. Glenesha Milner on Monday, July 8th at 1 PM for “Alternative Dispute Resolution.” Sometimes, parents may find themselves at odds with the education professionals on the Eligibility or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team regarding their child’s special education needs. When disagreements arise, or if you feel the school is not fulfilling its legal obligations, several avenues are available to resolve these issues. It is generally most beneficial for all parties to address and resolve differences at the lowest possible level with minimal conflict. This presentation will cover:

  1. Informal methods to resolve differences.
  2. Formal options are provided by the State.
  3. Preparing and effectively communicating concerns.

The Individual and Emergency Health Care Plan in the IEP and 504

Workshop Summary

Children in school systems with healthcare concerns should have additional documents to support their medical needs. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) should include an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) and an Emergency Healthcare Plan (EHP) for their specific needs while in the school environment. This presentation will identify these documents, what information should be included in them, and review sample options.

How to Participate in Virtual Meetings on Facebook Live

Please attend a short presentation with our AI presenter on Wednesday, June 17th, at 1 p.m. EST about participating in virtual meetings.

In some situations, it may be impossible for participants to attend special education meetings in person. In those cases, technology allows participation virtually via the Internet or telephone. Many types of meetings, including IEP meetings, can be conducted virtually.


Webinar: Transition IEP & Moving Forward

Please join parent training specialist Sassafrass Mittleman on Friday, May 10th at 6 pm (EST), as we discuss transition and what it means to the IEP and services.

The Transition IEP is the most important part when it comes to helping youth with disabilities learn how to successfully transition from high school to post-secondary opportunities. This workshop helps to teach everyone exactly how to make the most of the TIEP, and how to best work with youth with disabilities to make sure they have the tools and information to fulfill their post-secondary goals.




IEP Dirigido por Estudiantes

Los estudiantes son a menudo sus mejores defensores. No en vano, con frecuencia son ellos los que mejor saben lo que necesitan y quieren. Esta presentación compartirá estrategias para ayudar a los estudiantes a presentar y asumir más responsabilidad durante la mayor parte del proceso. Un IEP dirigido por un estudiante es un IEP en el que el estudiante con una discapacidad participó en la redacción y creación de cualquier parte del IEP y/o desempeñó un papel de liderazgo durante la reunión del IEP real.


Transición del IEP y Adelante

El IEP de transición es la parte más importante cuando se trata de ayudar a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo hacer una transición exitosa de la escuela secundaria a oportunidades posteriores a la secundaria. Este taller ayuda a enseñar a todos exactamente cómo aprovechar al máximo el TIEP y cómo trabajar mejor con jóvenes con discapacidades para asegurarse de que tengan las herramientas y la información para cumplir con sus objetivos después de la secundaria.


Assistive Technology an AI Presentation

Please join us at 1 p.m. EST an our AI presenter will explain assistive technology. Students eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) may be eligible for assistive technology (e.g., text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and spell-checking devices). This presentation will detail how to request an evaluation for assistive technology services and where they can be added to the Individual Education Plan (IEP).



An FND Overview on Facebook Live

Family Network on Disabilities (FND) was founded in 1985 by a group of parents of children with disabilities who came together for mutual support and information-sharing.  FND is a grassroots organization for persons with disabilities and their families that is family-centered and family-driven. This presentation will inform participants of all of the FND programs offering free help and information to families of students with disabilities and the professionals that serve them.

A Guide to an Individualized Education Program That Works Facebook Live

Please join POPIN’s Glenesha Milner at 1 p.m. EST as she presents information about IEPs and their role in special education. Developing and implementing an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is the equal responsibility of educators, parents, and other members of the IEP team. This workshop explains the IEP process and the importance of parental participation. Learn helpful tips for writing effective IEP goals and strategies.