SSDI/SSI: What You Need to Know

Workshop Summary

Navigating the Social Security system is challenging without the proper knowledge. This presentation gives you an overview of the SSDI and SSI government benefit programs, including the application process, specific criteria for eligibility, your rights in the process, and how to navigate a denial. Additional information on resources to support the process is included.



Event Information

SSDI/SSI: What You Need to Know



Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 07:00 PM

Effective Parent Teacher Collaboration

Workshop Summary
Having a parent-teacher meeting is an opportunity to collaborate;
the parent and teacher need to set expectations for the meeting and come with ideas and open communication. Laying out the meeting agenda and meeting goals then sticking to them will help facilitate a productive meeting. We must remember like an IEP meeting our overall goal is the student.

Facebook Live:

It’s All About The Apps

It’s All About Apps

Workshop summary

No matter which hurdles your child faces, apps and other media included in this presentation can give him or her an added boost. We don’t expect an app to be a complete solution. Working with students who face challenges requires lots of time, attention, and patience from a parent, teacher, or other adult caregivers. We aim to offer you many fun apps to add to your toolkit as you work with your child.

Join us on Facebook on 7/13 at 7 pm

The Nuts and Bolts of Telemedicine Essential for a Family-Centered Experience

WEBINAR 1: Are You Connected?

This is a four-part webinar series. In the first webinar in this series, we will discuss the essentials needed for a telehealth appointment.

Here are a couple of learning objectives that, after the webinar, we hope you will be able to do:

1. Determine if you are connected for a Telemedicine appointment. (Answering by Yes? or No?)

2. Identify two (2) options for getting connected if you are NOT connected.

3. Demonstrate one way to “test” connection and one way to “improve” connection if you ARE connected.

The Nuts and Bolts of Telemedicine – WEBINAR 3: Can You “See” Your Provider?

WEBINAR 3: Can You “See” Your Provider?

You may need to visit a virtual exam room to see your doctor. Learn what the 4 KEYS are that will help you unlock the doors so you and your provider can have a successful telehealth appointment.

The Nuts and Bolts of Telemedicine Essential for a Family-Centered Experience

WEBINAR 4: Your Family’s First Telemedicine Appointment

This is a four-part webinar series. Are you ready for your family’s 1st Telemedicine Appointment? Watch this webinar to learn some of the tips and tidbits that will make it a successful one!

The Nuts and Bolts of Telemedicine

WEBINAR 2: Do You Have a Device?

This is a four-part webinar series. This webinar will discuss device basics and the essentials you will need for your telehealth appointment.

FND Overview

FND PEN is hosting a series of webinars with the Central Florida Autism Community on the last Thursday of every month. We will have a wide variety of topics related to special education, advocacy, and self-care.

The first webinar will be Thursday, July 28th, 2022 from 8.30 pm till 9.30 pm on Zoom. (Register in advance) to join on zoom. After the workshop, there will be an opportunity to ask questions on zoom.

Soren Richardson, will present an FND overview and review some helpful resources.

FND Overview

Family Network on Disabilities (FND) was founded in 1985 by a group of parents of children with disabilities who came together for mutual support and information-sharing. FND is a grassroots organization for persons with disabilities and their families that is family-centered and family-driven.

Collectively the PEN Team has over 60 years of experience with all aspects of disability from medical diagnosis, early intervention to school eligibility – IDEA/IEP, inclusion in school & community setting, navigating Transition and Post Secondary options to living independently, and much much more … our goal is to share our experience, strength and hope through informal storytelling of raising our children with a wide range of disabilities & family dynamics.