This event is part of Nova Southeastern University’s project to provide transition support and tolls to young adults. The Family Network on Disabilities will consult with the students and their transition plans.
Tag: transition
This event aims to provide parents of students ages 12 and over with information about guardianship and the transition from school to the community.
Family Network on Disabilities and other community agencies will be on-site to provide information about the next steps for students exiting Broward County Public Schools.
This is an in-person workshop for High School students with disabilities in partnership with HDS Foundation and Cypress Bay High School in Broward.
This is an in-person workshop for High School students with disabilities in partnership with HDS Foundation and Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High School.
This event is aimed to empower Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students and their families by offering insights into the wealth of resources and support services available within the community.
Students and parents are invited to attend this event to find out more about Adult Independent Living, Education, Job Training/Opportunities, Finances and Guardianship, Health Services, Rights and Responsibilities, and Social Security and support services.
Representatives from Vocational Rehabilitation, UCF CARD, Family Network on Disabilities, Lake Technical College, Lake County Schools, Project 10, Career Source of Central Florida, Building Blocks Ministries, New Vision, and several more organizations will be in attendance to answer questions and give information to assist with transitioning.
You are warmly invited to attend the Margaret K. Lewis School Transition Fair, scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st, from 11:00 AM to 1:45 PM CST, in the MKL Multipurpose Room.
This event promises to be a valuable opportunity for you to explore a variety of educational resources and support services designed to assist your child’s transition at different stages of their educational journey.
We are pleased to announce that FND POPIN parent training specialist, Glenesha Milner, will be in attendance. She will be sharing essential information and resources that can help support your child’s developmental and educational needs.
Don’t miss this chance to gain insights, ask questions, and connect with specialists who are eager to assist you and your family. We look forward to seeing you there!
Los estudiantes son a menudo sus mejores defensores. No en vano, con frecuencia son ellos los que mejor saben lo que necesitan y quieren. Esta presentación compartirá estrategias para ayudar a los estudiantes a presentar y asumir más responsabilidad durante la mayor parte del proceso. Un IEP dirigido por un estudiante es un IEP en el que el estudiante con una discapacidad participó en la redacción y creación de cualquier parte del IEP y/o desempeñó un papel de liderazgo durante la reunión del IEP real.
El IEP de transición es la parte más importante cuando se trata de ayudar a los jóvenes con discapacidades a aprender cómo hacer una transición exitosa de la escuela secundaria a oportunidades posteriores a la secundaria. Este taller ayuda a enseñar a todos exactamente cómo aprovechar al máximo el TIEP y cómo trabajar mejor con jóvenes con discapacidades para asegurarse de que tengan las herramientas y la información para cumplir con sus objetivos después de la secundaria.