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It’s All About the Apps!

Facebook Live

This presentation is for youth and their families. Assistive Technology helps with success! No matter what hurdles youth face, apps and other media included in this presentation can give them solutions for success. This presentation offers a selection of apps you can add to your toolkit as you navigate school, home, and other areas of […]


Pran swen moun kap bay swen an!

Facebook Live

Jeanne Petit, Antrene pou paran nan FND PEN ap prezante atelye sa : Pran swen yon moun ou renmen yo ka trè rekonpanse, men li enplike tou anpil estrès: chanjman nan dinamik fanmi an, dezòd nan kay la, presyon finansye, ak kantite travay la ajoute. Kidonk, èske se etonan ke moun kap bay swen yo se […]

Parent Interactive IEP Workshop


Free IEP workshop that will be interactive, taking systemic questions from participants on understanding the IEP process better and getting the most out of an IEP for your child. Please see the link below to register. Once registered, a Zoom link will be sent to you. The deadline for registration is May 10th.  

IDEA Power Hour Facebook Live Every Monday at 10 AM

Facebook Live

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law requiring schools to serve the educational needs of eligible students with disabilities. These presentations will provide you with a better understanding of IDEA and how to advocate for your child's needs. You won't want to miss this WEEKLY series, with Misti & Claudia, where […]


Facebook Live

YOU CAN BE AN EFFECTIVE ADVOCATE! Family STAR offers this presentation that examines how parents and caregivers can become advocates for their loved ones. Topics include: Elements of Advocacy, Effective Communication, Conflict Resolution, and Building Capacity.


“The Day The Dinosaurs Came To Town” Living Through A Disaster


Join us for a facilitated discussion about disaster preparedness and what it is really like for a family with children with special healthcare needs to live through and survive a catastrophic event. This presentation is part of the Florida Family Leaders Network's Spring Webinar Series in collaboration with Family Network on Disabilities and Early Steps. […]
