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Understanding your Child’s EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT


Soren Richardson, FND PEN, is hosting a virtual workshop with the Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 10:30 am on Zoom (Register in advance) and live in the DSACF Facebook group. This month's guest speaker is Lisa Math, Director of the Family STAR (Support, Training, Assistance, and Resources) for Family Network on […]

Tuesday’s Tips on Transition Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Transition is a word that you will hear a lot on your advocacy journey. You may find yourself a bit confused with the new choices and decisions that you will have. What is transition? What do I need to know? Transition is a typical part of our child’s life, it is stressful and worrisome for parents and caregivers. information […]



Facebook Live

Prezantasyon PEN Elèv ki gen detèminasyon gen yon pi fò chans pou yo gen siksè lè yo adrese bezwen detèminasyon nan mitan adolesan, ki gen ladan kèk nan eleman prensipal yo nan oto-detèminasyon ki se konesans pwòp tèt ou ak lòt moun, jesyon pèsonèl, kominikasyon efikas, defans pwòp tèt ou, ak Defans nan sistèm, pran […]

Understanding the Mental Health System


This presentation will educate participants on the Mental Health system of care. Information about how the system works, the laws that protect individuals, how families are impacted by mental illness, statistics about mental health, and various resources are all included in this impactful workshop. Registration required:  

Nuts & Bolts of Self-determination


Soren Richardson will present the workshop on Thursday, February 16st, 2023, from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm on Zoom and live in CFAC Facebook group. Register in advance to join zoom and ask questions after the workshop. Workshop summary Students who have self-determination skills have a stronger chance of being successful by addressing the need for self-determination […]

IDEA Power Hour Facebook Live Every Monday at 10 AM

Facebook Live

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law requiring schools to serve the educational needs of eligible students with disabilities. These presentations will provide you with a better understanding of IDEA and how to advocate for your child's needs. You won't want to miss this WEEKLY series, with Misti & Claudia, where […]

Tuesday’s Tips on Transition Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Transition is a word that you will hear a lot on your advocacy journey. You may find yourself a bit confused with the new choices and decisions that you will have. What is transition? What do I need to know? Transition is a typical part of our child’s life, it is stressful and worrisome for parents and caregivers. information […]


Tuesday’s Tips on Transition Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Transition is a word that you will hear a lot on your advocacy journey. You may find yourself a bit confused with the new choices and decisions that you will have. What is transition? What do I need to know? Transition is a typical part of our child’s life, it is stressful and worrisome for parents and caregivers. information […]
