It’s a Great IDEA: Modules #5-7 on Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Join Parent Training Specialist Glenesha Milner on Monday, June 3rd, at 1 PM EST on Facebook for the continuation of the webinar series, "It's a Great IDEA: Module #5. The Right of Students with Disabilities to the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)." LRE is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA stipulates that […]


It’s a Great IDEA: Modules #1-4. Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) on Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Tune in to Parent Training Specialist Glenesha Milner every Monday at 1 PM EST from April 29, 2024, to May 27, 2024, except for Monday, May 13, 2024, for an informative four-module presentation on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA is a federal law requiring schools to serve the educational needs of eligible […]


IDEA #2 El derecho de los estudiantes con discapacidades a recibir educación pública adecuada y gratuita

Facebook Live

El derecho a una Educación Pública Gratuita y Apropiada (FAPE) es un derecho educativo de todos los estudiantes en los Estados Unidos, garantizado por la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973 y la Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidades (IDEA). Los participantes aprenderán lo que requiere FAPE si su hijo califica para los servicios de […]


Nuts & Bolts of Self-determination an AI Presentation on Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Join our AI presenter for an exciting webinar on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 5 PM EST. Students who possess self-determination skills have a stronger chance of success. Addressing the need for these skills among adolescents is critical and includes major components such as knowledge of self and others, personal management, effective communication, self-advocacy, advocacy […]


Es una gran IDEA #1 Vision General

Facebook Live

La Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA) es una ley federal que requiere que las escuelas atiendan las necesidades educativas de los estudiantes elegibles con discapacidades. Únase a nosotros para obtener una descripción general de la Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidades (IDEA) En esta descripción general, los participantes aprenderán sobre las […]


It’s a Great IDEA: Modules #1-4. Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) on Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Tune in to Parent Training Specialist Glenesha Milner every Monday at 1 PM EST from April 29, 2024, to May 27, 2024, except for Monday, May 13, 2024, for an informative four-module presentation on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA is a federal law requiring schools to serve the educational needs of eligible […]


Resolucion Alternativa de Disputas

Facebook Live

A veces, los padres no están de acuerdo con el distrito escolar sobre algo relacionado con su hijo y la educación especial. Cuando no está de acuerdo o siente que la escuela no está cumpliendo con sus obligaciones legales, hay varias formas en que los padres pueden resolver estos desacuerdos. Por lo general, es mejor […]


Best Practices in Inclusive Education an AI Presentation on Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Join our AI presenter for a webinar on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 1 PM EST. This presentation will explore inclusive education, including its definition, key components, and evidence-based planning and instructional practices to promote meaningful access to a general education curriculum and classroom, as well as meaningful access to the least restrictive environment and […]


Todo sobre las Aplicaciones

Facebook Live

Independientemente de los obstáculos que enfrente su hijo, las aplicaciones y otros medios incluidos en esta presentación pueden darle un impulso adicional. Por supuesto, no esperamos que una aplicación sea una solución completa. Trabajar con estudiantes que enfrentan desafíos requiere mucho tiempo, atención y paciencia por parte de un padre, maestro u otro cuidador adulto. […]


It’s a Great IDEA: Modules #1-4. Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) on Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Tune in to Parent Training Specialist Glenesha Milner every Monday at 1 PM EST from April 29, 2024, to May 27, 2024, except for Monday, May 13, 2024, for an informative four-module presentation on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA is a federal law requiring schools to serve the educational needs of eligible […]


Family STAR Talks with the Expert – Understanding Special Needs Trusts

Facebook Live

Join Family STAR for a conversation about Special Needs Trusts. Special Needs Trusts safeguard your personal assets and provide for the comforts of life that public benefits don’t cover. A Special Needs Trust is a legal contract under Federal law, in which someone (trustee) agrees to hold assets (money and/or property) for the benefit of a disabled […]
