Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub

Research to Practice in Self-Determination Series

Research to Practice in Self-Determination Series

The purpose of this series, Research to Practice in Self-Determination, is to describe key issues in the field of developmental disabilities that can be enhanced to promote self-determination. A series of seven issues is being produced, each focusing on a specific topic: self-advocacy, health, employment, community services, aging, family support, and siblings.  The format of this series includes:

  • definitions,
  • a brief review of the literature,
  • promising practices,
  • applied examples, and
  • targeted recommendations for scaling-up efforts.

The series is intended for use by people with developmental disabilities, family members, professionals, state and federal agencies, and academic programs. By collaborating with and enabling each of these entities, the goal of full inclusion for people with developmental disabilities can be realized.

Access the different issues of the series at:

SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information & Resources