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A resource collection compiled by and for Parent Centers.
Coordinated by the NE Parent Center Assistance & Collaboration Team/
Region 1 Parent Technical Assistance Center @ SPAN
in collaboration with NH Parent Information Center
Many, many thanks go out to the Development and Review Team!
November 2017
Are you looking for training materials, videos, Powerpoint slideshows, or webinars on positive behavior support for students with disabilities? You can connect with many such resources here! The collection of materials listed below has been reviewed and recommended by a working team of Parent Center staff from different regions of the country, coordinated by NE-PACT, the Region 1 Parent Technical Assistance Center, in collaboration with NH Parent Information Center.
We’ve divided the resources by TYPE of resource for easier reference, as follows:
Positive Behavior Support: An Individualized Approach for Addressing Challenging Behavior
This 4-page What Works brief comes from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. It’s also available in Spanish.
English |
Spanish |
Tantrums, Tears, and Tempers: Behavior Is Communication
A 3-page fact sheet from the PACER Center.
How to Understand the Meaning of Your Child’s Challenging Behavior
This 1-page fact sheet comes from the Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI) and is part of its Backpack Connection series. Available in English, Chinese, and Spanish.
English |
Chinese |
Spanish |
Planning Ahead for a Meeting About Your Child’s Behavior Needs
A 2-page fact sheet from the PACER Center.
PBIS: How Schools Support Positive Behavior
Web article from, available in English and Spanish.
English |
Spanish |
Top 10 Positive Behavior Tips
1-pager from the Milwaukee Public Schools, adapted from other sources.
Dear Colleague Letter on Behavior Supports for Students with Disabilities (US DOE 8/1/2016)
This Dear Colleague letter (DCL) reminds school personnel that the authority to implement disciplinary removals does not negate their obligation to consider the implications of the child’s behavioral needs and the effects of suspensions (and other short-term removals) when ensuring the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The DCL also clarifies that the failure to consider and provide for needed behavioral supports through the IEP process and throughout a continuum of placements (including general education settings) is likely to result in a child not receiving a meaningful educational benefit or FAPE in the least restrictive environment.
Access the complete DCL at:–08-01-2016.pdf
Access the 2-page summary for stakeholders on this DCL:
Improve Your Child’s Life and Future Using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Online Video Module | This 12-minute online captioned module is 1 of 5 from the Utah Parent Center. It’s available in English and Spanish.
English |
Spanish |
Workshop Resource | PBS: Addressing Challenging Behavior Workshop
There is often a cycle of failure for students with behavioral challenges. This PDF of a slideshow (39 slides) is presented in “speaker notes” format (3 slides per page, with blank lines to the right for note-taking), suitable for sharing as a handout at your own workshop or for creating your own slideshow. The workshop presentation focuses on interventions for students who exhibit challenging behaviors. Identifying the function of behavior is discussed, emphasizing educational strategies to help students learn alternate behaviors that can lead to long-term change. Information on due process rights of children in the discipline process is also provided. From SPAN of New Jersey.
Video | Pyramid Model Overview
The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices developed by two national, federally-funded research and training centers: The Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) and TACSEI. The faculty of these centers represent nationally recognized researchers and program developers in the areas of social skills and challenging behavior. Based on evaluation data since 2002, the Pyramid Model has been shown to be a sound framework for early care and education systems. Extensive training materials, videos, and print resources have been developed to help states, communities and programs implement the model.
Webinar | What Families Need to Know About Positive Behavioral Interventions and SupportsIn 2007, Vermont began implementing a nationally recognized program called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Currently, 48% (143) of Vermont schools are implementing PBIS in 91% (52) of Supervisory Unions/Supervisory Districts. PBIS supports all students across all school environments, including the lunchroom and playground. At a PBIS school, teachers, administrators, counselors, and family members work together to teach and positively support behavior expectations at school. This 30-minutes webinar discusses PBIS, including the tiers of intervention, how parents can be involved, and where to find more information. From the Vermont Family Network.
Listen/view the webinar:
View/download the PowerPoint slides in PDF format
Webinar | Using PBiS at Home to Improve Family Life
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBiS) is a research-based, school-wide system of discipline. Thousands of schools in the U.S. successfully use PBiS including 33% of K-12 schools in Vermont. PBiS is not just for schools! Many parents are using the same ideas to create a better environment for the entire family. If you use positive parenting techniques and want to share your success stories, or want to learn how to get started, please join this webinar to connect with other parents. The 42-minute webinar is hosted by the Vermont Family Network, using the PowerPoint slideshow from the PACER Center.
Listen/view the webinar |
View/download the PowerPoint speaker notes in PDF format (1.8 MB)
Helping Children Learn to Manage Their Own Behavior
Available in English and Spanish | What Works briefs from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning summarize effective practices for supporting children’s social-emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors. This webpage article describes practical strategies for helping children learn to manage their own behavior and provides references to more information.
English |
Spanish |
Classroom Environment Resources
This webpage provides resources, ideas, and strategies for making a classroom environment one that is supportive for all children, including those with challenging behaviors. From the Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
Supporting and Responding to Behavior: Evidence-based Classroom Strategies for Teachers
This landing page provides an overview of the guide by the same name, as well as a link to the PDF of the guide. The guide itself summarizes evidence-based, positive, proactive, and responsive classroom behavior intervention and support strategies for teachers. These strategies should be used classroom-wide, intensified to support small group instruction, or amplified further for individual students. The tools can help teachers capitalize on instructional time and decrease disruptions, which is crucial as schools are held to greater academic and social accountability measures for all students.
Behavior at School
This webpage at the Center for Parent Information and Resources will connect you with resources to answer questions such as:
Return to the Intro page
Resource Collection | Positive Behavior Supports (you’re here already)
Resource Collection | Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Interventions Plans
Resource Collection | School Discipline
SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information & Resources
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