Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub

Cultural Awareness and Connecting with Native Communities

Cultural Awareness and Connecting with Native Communities

Visit the Native American Resource Collection

This fact sheet comes from NAPTAC (the Native American Parent Technical Assistance Center) and has been written expressly for Parent Centers. The 3-page fact sheet offers suggestions for connecting with Native communities in ways that enhance communication and connectedness. As stated in the fact sheet:

When Parent Center staff visit a Tribal community, they may find it helpful to know a bit about Tribal etiquette and culture. While etiquette will vary from Tribal community to community, there are commonalities as well. This fact sheet lists many such cultural considerations. Observing them will enhance communication with Native families and your Parent Center’s connectedness with the Tribal community.

The fact sheet is available in two different formats:

Cultural Awareness fact sheet in Word

Cultural Awareness fact sheet in PDF


SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information & Resources