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Please note no federal funds are used in the maintenance or updating of this website.
English | Español | Russian | Haitian Creole
English | Español | Russian | Haitian Creole
FND PEN and Alliance for Community Employment Services (ACES) are presenting a weekly series during their Summer Enrichment Camp for youth.
Transition is movement or change for a student, without interruption, to future adult settings upon exit from high school. The Transition IEP (TIEP) meeting includes the student, family, school staff, agency staff, and others identified by the TIEP team. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) emphasizes the importance of involving students in meaningful ways in this process. Transition planning occurs over time beginning at age 14 and continuing through age 21.
We will present workshops such as Transition IEP, Building Self Determination, Self Advocacy and more……
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