“Is it in your heart, is it in your eyes?”
—Bruce Springsteen, American Skin


June 19, 2020
A webpage in CPIR’s series Talking About Race


This webpage  focuses on where most journeys begin–especially transformative journeys. Within. Within ourselves. What’s listed below are tools for individuals and organizations to look first at themselves and the ways in which we act, the words we use (or don’t), and the deep, often unrecognized beliefs and biases we may hold.

What is casual racism?
A short article of questions and answers, from Racism. It Stops with Me. Have a look around their website while you’re there. You’ll find lots of informative reads about racism and the campaign in Australia to stop it.

21 racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis
A photographer at Fordham asked her peers to write down the microaggressions they’ve encountered. Here is what they had to say.

‘Am I racist?’ 7 ways to tell if you’re secretly biased — and how to fix it
Candid and revealing.

Video | Understanding my privilege 
Susan E. Borrego reflects on her life as an emancipated minor and dissects the emotionally charged conversation surrounding race relations in the United States. She uses her powerful first-person account of “White Privilege” and “Black Lives Matter” to underscore the responsibility each one of us has to bring about change. 12 minutes.

Video | Systemic racism explained
Systemic racism affects every area of life in the US, from incarceration rates to predatory loans. Trying to solve these problems requires changes in major parts of our system. Here’s a 4-1/2 minute closer look at what systemic racism is, and how we can solve it.

14 small ways you can fight racism every day
The author of this article is black. His white friends have been asking him what they can do to help conquer that savage beast that is racism once and for all. He states that if a change is ever going to come, we all need to be mindful of our everyday actions that hinder it. He explores 14 ways to begin.

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