Asking for Help

Asking for Help

Few families make it through a catastrophic event without needing help at some point. You may often find it hard to ask for help, but put aside your pride and you will see family and friends are willing to help out.

  • Make use of your case manager and keep them updated on any new developments.
  • Use them to understand bills and paperwork.
  • Use hospital businesses as well to interpret bills, estimating costs and contacting your insurance carrier on your behalf.

 There is short-term financial assistance available from federal programs, as well as private and government agencies. Some of the private organizations include

  • churches,
  • charitable foundations,
  • disease or disability organizations, and
  • civic and social welfare associations.

There are government programs available you don’t even need to be at the poverty level to qualify, like SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and Medicaid. You can also contact Consolidated Credit Counseling Service who help you look at your financial situation and overcome debt. They can negotiate creditors on your behalf and get you lower interests rates.

26750 U.S. Highway 19 North
Suite 410
Clearwater, FL 33761

(727) 523-1130
(800) 825-5736

Family Network of Disabilities

