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Building the Legacy | Construyendo el Legado
Updated, 2020
The Building the Legacy / Construyendo el Legado training curriculum is intended to help all those involved with children with disabilities understand and implement Part B of IDEA 2004, the nation’s special education law. The curriculum is organized according to five themes central to IDEA, with multiple training modules beneath each theme. The five themes are:
Each individual module within each of these themes includes:
Building the Legacy/Construyendo el Legado was produced by NICHCY at the request of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department of Education.
Construyendo el Legado | The Training Curriculum in Spanish
All handouts for participants are available in both Spanish and English. Slideshows for the following modules are, too: 1 (Top 10 basics), 6 (on EIS and RTI), 9 and 10 (on evaluation), 12-14 (on the IEP), and 17 (on procedural safeguards). This means that, even if the slideshow and Trainer’s Guide for a module are available only in English, trainers will have Spanish-language handouts that they can share with Spanish-speaking audience members, as need be.
The list below identifies the five central themes of Building the Legacy / Construyendo el Legado (indeed, of IDEA itself!) and the individual training modules under each. Modules available in English and Spanish are marked with a two asterisks in red (**).
Follow the links below to the modules and materials of your choice! That includes the Spanish materials, too (just follow the **).
Take a broad look at IDEA 2004 with these 2 modules–the first welcomes newcomers to IDEA and the second identifies what’s different in the 2004 reauthorization of the law.
See how IDEA aligns with the Elementary & Secondary Education Act ( ESEA was reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind in 2002) and explore topics on general education and children with disabilities. 2016 Editor’s note: The Elementary & Secondary Education Act was reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act in December 2015, bringing changes to IDEA itself. Also in 2016 the U.S. Department of Education significantly revised the law’s regulations regarding disproportionality in special education.
When children are struggling in school, the possibility exists that they may have a disability. The 3 modules in Theme C look at the evaluation process under IDEA, which is intended to determine if, indeed, there is a disability affecting a child’s school progress and, if so, whether the child needs special education and related services.
The IEP is the cornerstone in the education of every child with a disability. Learn about everything IEP and more!
Prior written notice, informed written consent, access to records, just a few of the critical safeguards in IDEA for families and schools.
Obviously, Building the Legacy covers a spectrum of topics related to special education, disability, and IDEA itself. If you’re wishing for an index to what topic is discussed where, we are pleased to provide one! (English only)
SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information & Resources
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