Family Network on Disabilities

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The State of Learning Disabilities: Facts, Trends and Emerging Issues

The State of Learning Disabilities: Facts, Trends and Emerging Issues

Updated March 22, 2019  |  The updated and expanded third edition of NCLD’s The State of Learning Disabilities report captures data about the 5%  of our nation’s school-age population whose learning disabilities (LD) have been formally identified, and provides a critical lens through which to understand and address the needs of the additional 15% or more of students with unidentified and unaddressed learning and attention issues.

This report is an essential resource for anyone who is concerned about the 1 in 5 children, adolescents and adults who are impacted by learning and attention issues, whether in school, at home, and or in the workplace.

Find The State of Learning Disabilities at:

SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information and Resources