(2017, February) | Useful to Parent Centers and others working with adolescents to promote their skills of self-regulation.

Self-regulation refers to one’s ability to manage emotions and impulses. Adolescence and young adulthood are times of both risk and opportunity with regard to self-regulation. This 6-page brief describes the importance of self-regulation for adolescents and young adults and provides guidelines for supporting self-regulation development for 14-25-year-olds. The brief explains:

  • What self-regulation is and why it is important
  • Why self-regulation is important for adolescents and young adults
  • How self-regulation develops
  • Why certain populations of youth may be at greater risk for self-regulation difficulties, and
  • The possible roles of programs and interventions.

Access Promoting Self-Regulation in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Practice Brief (PDF, 328 kb) https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/report/promoting-self-regulation-adolescents-and-young-adults-practice-brief


Also see the companion 3-page brief entitled Seven Key Principles of Self-Regulation and Self-Regulation in Context, part of this series from the Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Read the Hub’s abstract of the 7 Key Principles brief:

Go straight to the 7 Key Principles Brief at:  https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/opre/5_adol_508_reduced_0.pdf



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