Family Network on Disabilities

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Part C, Module 12: Access to and Examination of Records

Part C, Module 12: Access to and Examination of Records

March 2015
A legacy training module from NICHCY

In delivering  services to infants and toddlers and their families under Part C of the IDEA, the lead agency and its early intervention service (EIS) providers collect information about the infant or toddler and his or her family. This includes personally identifiable information that is subject to privacy protections under federal law. 

This training module takes a detailed look at a parent’s rights to access and examine the early intervention records of their child. Module 12 includes:

  • 1 slideshow presentation;
  • a trainer’s guide explaining all the content;
  • a Speaker’s Notes version of the slideshow; and
  • multiple handouts and one optional activity sheet for participants.

Please help yourself! Download the components you need to learn on your own and/or to train others on the protection of personally identifiable information in early intervention records of children and families, including a parent’s right to access and examine those records.

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Files You’ll Need to Download

Trainer’s Guide | The trainer’s guide to Module 12 describes how the slides operate and explains the content of each slide, including relevant requirements of the statute passed by Congress in December 2004 and the final regulations for Part C published in September 2011. The trainer’s guide is available in two formats, for your convenience:

PDF | Trainer’s Guide for Module 12 (42 pages)

Word | Trainer’s Guide for Module 12 (for accessibility)

Slideshow | The slideshow for Module 12 has 17 slides in total. The file is provided as a PowerPoint Show. Download the file to your computer. As a SHOW, the slideshow will automatically launch when you open the file. It will then operate as described in the Trainer’s Guide.

Slideshow for Module 12

Speaker Notes | We know from experience that many trainers find it helpful to have a Speaker Notes version of the slideshow. The Speaker Notes version shows each slide picture and provides blank lines below (for taking notes). Use the Speaker Notes version for your own planning (it’s in Word, so you can add your own notes where the blank lines are) or share it with participants for their own taking of notes.

Speaker Notes version of the slides in Module 12 | in Word

Pictures of individual slides in Module 12 | in PDF (17 pages)

Handouts  and Activity Sheets for Participants | Module 12 comes with two handouts and one optional activity sheet for you to share with participants. Each is provided in PDF and Word formats. The PDF is designed to share with participants. The Word version is made available for those participants who need or request accessible materials.

Handout  14 | Part C’s Confidentiality Provisions: Summary of Key Points

~~ Handout 14 in PDF
~~ Handout 14 in Word (for accessibility)

Handout  15 | Part C’s Confidentiality Provisions: Verbatim Regulations

~~ Handout 15 in PDF
~~ Handout 15 in Word (for accessibility)

Activity Sheet 15 (optional) | Closing activity

~~ Activity Sheet 15 in PDF
~~ Activity Sheet 15 in Word (for accessibility)

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And there you have it, Module 12 on the procedural safeguards in Part C of IDEA. We wish you good luck with all your trainings!

Return to the Table of Contents for Building the Legacy for Our Youngest Children with Disabilities

SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information and Resources