Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub

Key Definitions in IDEA | IDEA in Acronym and Action

Key Definitions in IDEA | IDEA in Acronym and Action


IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Acronym stands for… | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Definition of IDEA | IDEA is the acronym for a law. Public Law 108-446 is called the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004.” Its “short title” is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

For more information about IDEA | Visit CPIR’s suite of pages on IDEA, where you’ll find a brief history of the law, summaries of its requirements, its implementing regulations, and much more. The IDEA suite begins at:

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FAPE   |   IDEA  |   IEP   |   LRE

Child with a disability

Individualized Education Program

Related services

Special education

Supplementary aids and services


SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information and Resources