Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub

Babies & Toddlers

Babies & Toddlers

Accurate and updated information as of July 2021
A CPIR “Highly Rated” Resource
In Spanish | En español


Babies are such a nice way to start people.
—Don Herald

The birth of a child is an exciting, life-changing event. A beautiful new baby comes to your house, family, and neighborhood. It is a time for celebration.

But what happens when this new child has a disability? What if there are health problems? What if, as time goes by, it seems as if the child isn’t learning and progressing as quickly or easily as other children? What do you do?

CPIR offers a suite of resource pages that can help you find answers and people who can help–specifically, through the early intervention system that’s available in every state. Early intervention is an effective way to help very young children (birth to the third birthday) catch up or address specific developmental concerns as soon as possible in their lives. Use the quick-jump index below to explore early intervention topics.

highly rated graphic with star and blue ribbon, which indicates that this resource has been highly rated by CPIR's review team of staff at Parent Centers from all regions of the country

**Highly Rated Resource!  This resource was reviewed by 3-member panels of Parent Center staff working independently from one another to rate the quality, relevance, and usefulness of CPIR resources. This resource was found to be of “High Quality, High Relevance, High Usefulness” to Parent Centers.

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SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information & Resources