Family Network on Disabilities

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Applying Discipline Rules to Students with Disabilities

Applying Discipline Rules to Students with Disabilities

October 2010
A legacy resource from NICHCY

Here at the CPIR site, we’re pleased to offer you three types of information about how discipline rules may be applied to students with disabilities who violate a code of conduct. Use the quick-links to them below.


Placement and School Discipline
A not-so-brief overview of how disciplinary action at school can affect a student’s placement. Find out what authority school personnel have to remove a child from his or her current placement, what authority the hearing officer has, what constitutes a change of placement, and what placement the child will have during any appeal.

Discipline, in Detail
Here are all the details on IDEA’s discipline procedures, which guide how schools respond to behavioral infractions of children with disabilities.

Discipline, IDEA’s Regulations
There’s no substitute for IDEA’s verbatim words. Find them here.

SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information and Resources