Please join Parent Trainer, Sassafrass Moore, on Tuesday, October 25th, at 5 PM (EST) on, as we discuss how Assistive Technology (AT) allows children to reach their goals in achieving FAPE- a Free and Appropriate Public Education, as well as how Assisted Technology allows for some children to stay in their mainstream classroom, therefore exercising their right to the LRE- the least restrictive environment. We’ll learn about some of the options available for them, as well as share resources for teachers and parents to support them in the use of the AT. Lastly, we will discuss how the use of technology can help you, the parent(s) in organizing appointments, therapies, medicines, data tracking, and more. We all have a lot going on and could use a little help. We will review different apps that can make it a little easier to get through the days.
Give us a call at (727) 523-1130 or (800) 825-5736 or request a callback by clicking below.