Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub

TRANSITION: Education Resources

TRANSITION: Education Resources

RAISE Center Resource Collection


Students, know your rights!
This helpful tip sheet informs students over 18 of their rights to continue their education in high school, and guides them on attending a regular Department of Education high school or an alternative program.

Self-Guided Discovery Facilitator’s Guide: Helping People Discover Their Own Path to Employment
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the LEAD Center have provided this Facilitator’s Guide to Self-Guided Discovery.

JAN: Mental Health Impairments
Disabilities Accommodation and Compliance: Mental Health Impairments

‘Soft’ Costs Can Help Manage Employees with Mental Disabilities
This resource helps employers provide accommodations to adults experiencing mental illness so they can be productive in the workplace.

FDIC Youth Employment Resource Center
This site provides information on FDIC’s resources that support financial education and access to safe, affordable insured accounts for youth participating in employment programs.

Find Your Next Job With This List of Companies Hiring Remote Workers in October
A running collection of companies with active openings that hire remote employees who work from home due chronic illness, disability, or mental health condition.

Let’s Talk Employment: A Guide to Employment for Family Members of Individuals in Mental Health Recovery
A new resource for families who wish to support their family member in getting and keeping employment. “Let’s Talk Employment: A Family Guide to Employment” provides a narrative and links on 15 major topics related to employment. The value of employment to persons in recovery cannot be underestimated. Families can be extremely helpful in promoting successful employment, and this Guide is an effort to support families and job seekers in their quest.

The YES! Center
The YES! Center is a national Training and Technical Assistance Center that serves as a central source of information, expertise and comprehensive support for the Partnerships in Employment (PIE) state projects.

Transition Tech Talk: Exploring and Selecting Assistive Technology with Teens and Young Adults

An RSA-PTI Resource | This Transition Tech Talk from PACER’s Simon Technology Center offers tips for learning about and selecting assistive technology with teens and young adults.

AYPF Brief Examines Using ESSA to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities
American Youth Policy Forum’s (AYPF) brief on the utilization of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to enhance education in juvenile justice facilities. Provides state and local policymakers, as well as education and juvenile justice leaders, with information about how they can use requirements under ESSA to improve education and workforce outcomes for youth in long-term juvenile justice facilities and programs.

Promoting Quality Individualized Learning Plans throughout the Lifespan: A Revised and Updated ILP How to Guide 2.0
ILP How to Guide 2.0 provides career development resources and examples of ILP implementation for an expanded range of age groups and settings including elementary and secondary school, postsecondary education, workforce development programs and other non-school settings.

IDEA and Section 504 Side by Side
This table presents a comparison/contrast in table form between IDEA and 504.

What You Need to Know about Section 504
This document defines, explains, and informs on who can receive Section 504 services and accommodations as well as states what rules schools need to follow, etc.

AHEN Report on Postsecondary Results through Cross-System Collaboration
This report, Opening Doors, Changing Futures, from The Appalachian Higher Education Network (AHEN), an IEL initiative, tells how collaboration among education and workforce development institutions in 10 of the 13 states in the Appalachian region is leading to increases in post-secondary attainment and workforce preparation. The report shares program data, personal testimonials, and stories to document the value and results of AHEN’s work during school years 2011-2016.

A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
This publication from the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) addresses Transition planning, opportunities, and programs; services and requirements; education and employment options; and decision-making by students and youth with disabilities as they develop the skills and knowledge they need to pursue their goals for adult life.

IEP to IPE: Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities
An RSA-PTI Resource | This family-friendly webinar from the Federation for Children with Special Needs and the Recruitment, Training, and Support Center explains the Transition process in an easy and detailed way for self-advocates and their families to follow along.

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) Tip Sheet
Family-friendly publication provides tips for young adults who have been found eligible for ACCES-VR Services, and need to develop a plan of employment.

Special Federal Hiring Authority for Individuals with Disabilities
This video explains how to apply for Federal jobs using a special hiring authority known as “Schedule A.” For individuals with disabilities.

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provides this page of “Tips for Applicants with Disabilities on Getting Federal Jobs.”