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Resources updated, May 2020

Bullying is a serious problem with horrible consequences if left unchecked. The good news is that you can do lots to stop it. We hope that the resources listed below are useful to you in that effort.


Facts about bullying.
The federal government has a website dedicated to preventing bullying and informing parents, schools, and communities about how to recognize and treat bullying behavior. This page on the site provides definitions, statistics, targeted groups, and laws.

What you can do: Parents, educators, and community.
Adults have a major role in helping to prevent bullying. Here’s guidance tailored to different “audiences” of adults.

DoSomething: Bullying.
Lots of good stuff here, especially for young people, including articles, games on the phone, campaigns, and videos featuring young people themselves speaking out.

Bullies: More than sticks, stones, and name calling.
A quick read about the research in teasing and bullying behavior.

Bullying Resource Center.
Visit the Bullying Resource Center at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. There, you’ll find FAQs, multiple Facts for Families available in both English and Spanish (e.g., Children OnlineWhen to seek help for your child), videos, clinical resources, and much more.

What parents can do.
As a parent, would you recognize the signs that your child is being bullied? Or that your child was a bully? This article will help you do both and provides suggestions for what to do about each.

Medline’s resources on bullying and cyberbullying.
Bullying defined, lots of resources for coping, including in Spanish.

Cyberbullying Research Center.
Yes, there is one, and it provides up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. Scroll a bit down the home page link below, and you’ll find plenty of info about both bullying and cyberbullying. There’s much available in Spanish, too. Within the English version of many tip sheets and fact sheets, you’ll see the linked phrase “Spanish translation available here.”

Stop bullying now!
No, we’re not repeating ourselves from above, that’s the name of this site, too. It concentrates on presenting research-based strategies to reduce bullying in our schools. There are multiple short videos, too (under the Services, Downloads, Programs tab).

Kids Against Bullying.
A must-visit site for kids, from the PACER Center.

Teens Against Bullying.
PACER also offers the Teens Against Bullying website. It’s a relevant, edgy, and unique educational resource for bullying prevention designed to engage, empower and educate all teens.


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Updated, May 2020

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SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information and Resources