Family Network on Disabilities

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Considering Blindness and Visual Impairment in the IEP

Considering Blindness and Visual Impairment in the IEP

A resource for IEP Teams
A legacy resource from NICHCY
December 2010

PDF version

This checklist is originally included as a Resource for Trainers in Theme D of NICHCY’s Building the Legacy training curriculum on IDEA. It was adapted from the Nebraska Department of Education’s Nebraska IEP Technical Assistance Guide (1998, September). That document is no longer available online, but a 2014 updated version is. Find the current document, at:

In order for a student with a visual impairment to be educated in the most effective way possible, the IEP team needs to address the following:

1. Has the student received a functional vision evaluation?

__  Yes

__  No

__  Student’s vision is so limited a functional vision evaluation would not be appropriate


2. Has the student received a learning media assessment?

__  Yes

__  No


3. Has the student received a recent clinical low vision assessment?

__  Yes

__  No

__  Student’s vision is so limited a low vision clinical examination is not appropriate


4. Does the student’s visual condition indicate:

__  A progressive loss of vision?

__   Stability at the current level?

__   Unpredictability that will be followed by a possible decrease in vision?

__  A temporary condition that is expected to improve?


5. Is there a medically diagnosed expectation of visual deterioration in adolescence or early childhood?

__  Yes

__  No


6. Does the student qualify for instruction and use of a new primary reading and writing medium because the individual can no longer effectively use the current medium?

__  Yes

__  No


7. Will the student receive instruction in Braille?  (The IEP team must provide for instruction in Braille unless the IEP team determines, after evaluation of the child’s reading and writing skills, that instruction in Braille is not appropriate.)

__  Yes

__  No


8. If instruction in Braille is not appropriate, which primary and secondary (if appropriate) learning media has been selected for this student?

__  Large Print ………………………………………………………… ( ____ primary  ____ secondary)

__  Regular Print ……………………………………………………… ( ____ primary  ____ secondary)

__  Regular Print with an optical device……………………….. ( ____ primary  ____ secondary)

__  Closed circuit television ………………………………………. ( ____ primary  ____ secondary)

__  Recorded ………………………………………………………….. ( ____ primary  ____ secondary)

__  Individual is a non-reader or uses assistive technology……….  ( ____ primary  ____ secondary)


9. Has a written explanation of why the individual is using the selected learning media been provided?

__  Yes

__  No


10. Will a teacher certified at the appropriate grade level to teach students with visual impairment provide instruction in Braille reading and writing?

__  Yes

__  No

__  Not applicable


11. Has the student received an assessment in the following areas of need:

__  Orientation and Mobility (independent travel instruction)?

__  Skills for acquiring information, including appropriate use of technological devices and services (low and high tech?)

__  Social interaction skills?

__  Transition services needs?

__  Recreation needs?

__  Career Education?

__  Daily living (adaptive skills)?

__  Other skills necessary to enable the individual to learn effectively?


How Do We Know We Are Doing It Right?

The IEP:

__  Provides information regarding the student’s visual condition.

__  Addresses the student’s Braille/tactile needs.

__  Addresses the student’s vision needs.

__  Describes the student’s reading and writing medium.

__  Addresses assistive technology and accommodations.


SOURCE ARTICLE: National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities & Nebraska Department of Education