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The Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework 2015

The Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework 2015

(June 2015) | (Also available in Spanish) |  Useful to Parent Centers in helping families understand the developmental expectations for children birth through age 5 and in supporting parental involvement with and advocacy for their young child. Also useful in staff training and professional development with respect to early learning and developmentally appropriate practices.

In June 2015, the Office of Head Start released the newly revised Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Ages Birth to Five. This new Framework replaces the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework issued in 2010. It provides Head Start and other early childhood programs with a description of the developmental building blocks that are most important for a child’s school and long-term success. As in prior versions, the Framework outlines the essential areas of development and learning that are to be used by Head Start programs to establish school readiness goals for their children, monitor children’s progress, align curricula, and conduct program planning.

The 2015 Framework (which is also available in Spanish) is grounded in a comprehensive body of research regarding what infants, toddlers, and preschoolers should know and be able to do. It is intended to assist programs in their efforts to create and impart stimulating and foundational learning experiences for all young children and prepare them to be ready for school.

Central Landing Page for the Framework
There are many tools available here (e.g., videos, effective practice guides, implementation guide, a module app, to name just a few). The two we’ve listed below are the heart and soul of the matter, but explore the other tools available as well.

Spanish landing page for the Framework, Marco de resultados del aprendizaje temprano de los niños


Getting Started with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework

Spanish version, Guía del Marco de Head Start sobre los resultados del aprendizaje temprano de los niños


Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework

Spanish version, Marco de Head Start sobre los resultados del aprendizaje temprano de los niños

Links updated, November 2020

SOURCE ARTICLE: Center for Parent Information and Resources