Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub

Special Ed Connection

Special Ed Connection

Do you have a student with a disability

who is receiving special education services?

Gain a better understanding of special education processes and learn how to help your child benefit from special education services by accessing Special Ed Connection. Here are just a few of the resources waiting for you:

  • News and updates on the latest news and developments in the
    special education community.
  • Tools that can help you learn how to be more actively involved in
    meeting the special education needs of your family member.
  • Smart Starts that provide a quick way to gain a better understanding
    of almost 450 special education topics, federal regulations, case law,
    assistive technology, and how the special education law applies to your family member.
  • A Special Ed Online Dictionary that lists more than 1400 widely-used terms with straightforward, easily-understood definitions.
  • Special Ed Round-Ups that offer a fast and easy way to quickly access best practices on hundreds of special education issues from autism to bullying to post-secondary transition and more.The Florida Department of Education is proud to provide access be Special
    Ed Connection at no cost to families of individuals with disabilities who
    are enrolled in special education programs. To request access to this
    valuable resource go to the following link to find your county school
    district contact:


If you do not have access to the web please call (386)312-2265