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A Blueprint for Tier 3 Implementation: A Results-Driven System for Supporting Students with Serious Problem Behaviors

A Blueprint for Tier 3 Implementation: A Results-Driven System for Supporting Students with Serious Problem Behaviors

This Blueprint for Tier 3 Implementation is intended to provide districts with a guide for engaging in problem solving, action planning, and systems change as a district moves from a compliance-driven Tier 3 system to a results-driven Tier 3 system. This Blueprint is the first of many planned resources to assist districts with this systems-change process. The provision of training, technical assistance, data systems, etc. from BEESS and discretionary projects will accompany the planned implementation of this Blueprint. In addition, the move to a results-driven system will be made with awareness that achieving this degree of systems change will require foundational, effective teaming methods, and common structured problem-solving and action planning processes from district level teams with assistance from state resources. As a result, the systems change is expected to be a 3-5 year process in most districts.

Full PDF, in English –

SOURCE ARTICLE:  Florida Department of Education