Family Network on Disabilities

INformation Hub



The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Federal law concerning the education of students with disabilities, requires schools to provide you, the parents of a child with a disability, with a notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under IDEA and U.S. Department of Education regulations. A copy of this notice must be given to you only one time a school year, except that a copy must also be given to you: (1) upon initial referral or your request for evaluation; (2) upon receipt of your first State complaint under Title 34, sections 300.151 through 300.153, Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR §§300.151 through 300.153) and upon receipt of your first due process complaint under §300.507 in a school year; (3) when a decision is made to take a disciplinary action against your child that constitutes a change of placement; and (4) upon your request [§300.504(a)]

This procedural safeguards notice must include a full explanation of all of the procedural safeguards available under §300.148 (unilateral placement of a child in a private school at public expense), §§300.151 through 300.153 (State complaint procedures), §300.300 (parental consent), §§300.502 and 300.503 (independent educational evaluation and prior written notice), §§300.505 through 300.518 (other procedural safeguards, e.g., mediation, due process complaints, resolution process, and impartial due process hearing), §§300.530 through 300.536 (procedural safeguards in Subpart E of the Part B regulations), and §§300.610 through 300.625 (confidentiality of information provisions in Subpart F). Florida-specific information has been added throughout this model form and provides a format that school districts may choose to use to provide information about procedural safeguards to parents.

More information, in English –

SOURCE ARTICLE:  Florida Department of Education